Meditation in the Marketplace
Dynamic - Shared - Flowing - Improvisation

Give an Hour
conducive - connecting - mindful
1 tiny pot , 6g tea , tiny cups ; fast invusions - over and over and over
Tea - Where ?
Puerh , or Pu-er comes from China, from Yunan province
Tea - Why ?
Shared, Moving, Meditation
Tea - What ?
Camellia Sinensis var. Assamica

The Philosopher - 2010
Soft Breeze old Tree
A very more-ish Tea with a lot of depth and patience

Metta - Loving Kindness - 2004
This tea is soft and gentle,
goes on for a long time with very good sweetness

Goddess Of Clarity - 2005
Hint of smokiness, balanced strength, touch of astringency,
bitter and sweet all together rhyming in.

Buddha’s Laughter - 2006
Concern transformed: Laugher of a being that see’s impermanence
and the silliness of things we consider problems